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Can Fusion Energy Reset the Future for Our Species and Planet?
By Roger Weber Amid 2022’s countless stories of varied import and legacy - Russia invades Ukraine, Roe v. Wade overturned, Artemis orbits...
Will the Anti-Workers of the World Unite to Invent a Better Tomorrow?
Much of the country reacted with curious disbelief in 2021 when numerous media outlets – from Business Insider...
The National Debt is on Pace to Destroy the Federal Budget
Here is a breakdown of how we spend the Federal Budget ($4.5 trillion circa 2020). This budget amounts to around 21.6% of our national...
To Fix Education, Repeal the Minimum Wage
Many things can be done to address the unequal quality of education in the United States. Most proposed solutions address the quality of...
What is Modern Monetary Theory? Here's a Primer on the Biden Administration's New Progressiv
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is the macroeconomic theory being used to justify the levels of spending that would be required to support...
How to Plan Cities in the Age of COVID-19: Part One
By Roger Weber This will be the first part of a series in as many parts as it takes me to sort out some thoughts on how city planning can...
How Do You Build a New City? Eight Steps to Realizing a Sustainable Metropolis
So you've got some land and want to build a new city? Or maybe you just know you want to build a city, but you don't have the land yet....
Would Abraham Lincoln Support America's Trade War Against China?
Before he led the country across a five-year struggle that freed the slaves and reunited the union, and before he was even elected...
An Invitation for Investment: Could a New Privately Developed City Save Zimbabwe?
As we've explored potential locations for the next great new global city, a million-to-one longshot is rising to the surface as a...
The Future of the Gas Tax
Originally published on New Geography For years, the Federal Government has been approving general budget stopgaps to fund highway...
Should Charlotte and Portland Bet Big On Major League Baseball?
While it's unclear exactly when baseball will expand next, robust conversations in Charlotte and Portland have crowned those cities the...
The New Corporate Art of the Baseball Stadium
Part One: The Corporate Game Although it is no longer America’s highest-revenue sport, baseball is still known around the world as...
Techno Fixing the Urban Zone
In 2008, when Chicago inked a deal to privatize its parking meters, a chorus of groans ensued. To say that the deal was widely panned is...
How Much Would Building a New City Cost?
If we built a new city in the modern era, it would be very expensive to do it from scratch. While most cities evolve organically and do...
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