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Oil, Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula...

Which African cities will be the largest in the year 2100?
By Capital Frontiers The scale of urbanization that will happen in Africa over the next 80 years is staggering. While Africa today has...

Welcome to the Nigerian Century
By Roger Weber Politically and culturally, the American zeitgeist around international trends is largely fixated on the growing economies...

In the Country that Outlawed Cities, a Metropolis Gets Ready to Roar
By Capital Frontiers Most people have never heard of Dar es Salaam, which isn't surprising. It’s the 116th largest city in the world and...

Africa's Big Moment: Could a Conflux of Oil and Water Ignite the Economies of Botswana and Namibia?
By Roger Weber Do oil and water mix? Kavango East is an unrivaled repository of oil and fresh water in Africa. Botswana and Namibia are...

What are the biggest challenges for NEOM, the Saudi Arabian Megacity?
We’ve written about the vision for NEOM multiple times on Capital Frontiers. NEOM is the massive new city project Saudi Arabia launched...

Our Oil Supply is Virtually Infinite - and Oil is Our Greatest Renewable Resource
Thanks to emerging oil technologies, the era of energy as a tool for political manipulation is over – thus ending an era that commenced...

Saudi Arabia's NEOM is Breeding a New City Built Around Genetic Engineering
Cities for people or people for cities? An unlikely marriage between city planning and gene modification is reinventing the future city....

KAEC vs. NEOM: Inside the Development War Between Saudi Arabia's Sibling New Cities
As one of the most conservative countries on earth takes on the 21st century, a pair of government-initiated new cities are among its...

An Invitation for Investment: Could a New Privately Developed City Save Zimbabwe?
As we've explored potential locations for the next great new global city, a million-to-one longshot is rising to the surface as a...

The Future of the Gas Tax
Originally published on New Geography For years, the Federal Government has been approving general budget stopgaps to fund highway...

Saudi Arabia's Cultural Literacy Crisis
Saudi Arabia is democratizing. In 2019 for the first time ever women are driving, the cinemas are open, and young people are mixing in...

What the Midwest Can Learn From the Middle East
Originally published in 2016 on RealClearPolicy Why is Saudi Arabia suddenly the pit stop of choice for an impressive laundry list of...
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